Fast Planar Projection Onto An Ellipsoid
In a previous post I talk about fast planar projections onto spheres. After I put that out I wondered if it were possible to do the same...

Raycasting In Maya (curveInteresect node)
Raycasting is a very important concept to understand in computer graphics. Basically raycasting is like aiming a laser pointer along a...

Pose Storage (Collab With Haley Zutty)
This past week I have been working with Haley Zutty (producer and lead rigger on the SCAD collaborative film "Analogue"), on a scripting...

Exploring Pyside
So I've been vaguely aware of Pyside, Qt, and PyQt for a while, but I never really explored them. As I mentioned in my post about...

Reversing Transforms and Movable Pivots
Let's say I want to set up a movable pivot. Pretty simple, we just need to put a group under the control and multiply the translations of...